Thursday, May 8, 2008

Insomnia Leading to Lyrics

I've had final exams all week, which is the reason why I haven't been doing daily updates. Today is my last final exam and I'll be packing up and leaving for home for the summer!

I was laying awake in my bed last night at 2 in the morning. I couldn't sleep and all I did was stir around in my bed, so I did what came to my mind naturally: ponder. I thought about God and His greatness and various lyrics began popping into my mind. In retrospect, I was thinking of lyrics because I wanted to write a song, but I was also saying a prayer of sorts to Him. A prayer of praise, awe and wonder.

It turns out that the lyrics are more poetry than song but that's a fine line, isn't it? I can always add a melody later and revise the lyrics if they need revising.

You gave foundations to the earth
And set all things in motion,
From the swaying of the treetop leaves
To the roaring of the oceans.

And the beauty of the things You've made
Have filled me with such wonder
Of why You would come down and die
To heal a bond we sundered.

You revealed Your glorious plan to man
When You hung on that cross.
Now everything that I once sought,
I count it all as loss.

And I'm giving up my sinful ways
To search and seek Your face,
To glorify Your holy name
Because I stand in grace.


Philip@ReformedVoices said...

Sounds great Joel, what instruments do you play that would accompany the lyrics?

joel lee said...

I only play the guitar. I wished I picked up more instruments as a child. Fortunately, rhythm guitar is an adequate method for solo artists so I'm happy about that.